Surprise, Surprise

Rupert Murdoch is
censoring MySpace. Didn't see that one coming...
Follow-up: What's Wrong With This Picture?
Here's a
wrap up on the congressional candidate that posted the bogus Iraq photo on his website. Of course, he had nothing to do with it. Yeah, that's exactly what I'd say too. Bloggers kick ass!
Now the same bloggers are on the case of exactly when this guy's "recent" trip to Iraq really was. Seems it may have been over a year ago.
Geek Chic

Keyboard rings from Azerty (click projects). I love the help button, but the possibilites are endless: a trio of Control + Alt+ Delete buttons, the insert button on your middle finger. I think we could make our own - Jason, craft project!
[Via Queerty]

Drop Shadows Not Bombs, PLAYGROUND OF THE STARS first t-shirt project, is inspired by endlessly dropping shadows while working in advertising combined with the "drop acid not bombs" and "make love not war" mantras of the sixties. Screen printed on American Apparel in the Lower East Side. Shipping and Handling included. Sales tax will be added for NY residents.
What's Wrong With This Picture
"We took this photo of dowtown Baghdad while we were in Iraq. Iraq (including Baghdad) is much more calm and stable than what many people believe it to be. But, each day the news media finds any violence occurring in the country and screams and shouts about it - in part because many journalists are opposed to the U.S. effort to fight terrorism."
This photo appears with the above caption on the website of
Howard Kaloogian, a GOP congressional candidate from San Diego. See any problems? [Via
Raw Story]
I'm not sure if you all have heard about this. I know some of you don't like going into the store (problems with the owner). But that doesn't change the fact that they have the absolute best coffee in Tulsa, and maybe even the world. This whole situation (read on) makes me so angry. They won't stop until they put every single independent coffee house out of business.
This is a copy of the email that I recieved from Brian on Tuesday...
It's true. I received a letter last week informing me that I am infringing on a trademark that Starbucks has had since 2001, "Starbuck's Doubleshot." The lawyers advised me to cease using the DoubleShot Coffee Company name, to shut down my website (, and to destroy everything I have which bears the "DoubleShot" name. Come read the letter yourself-- it's framed and hanging on the wall, over the garbage can.
At first I frowned, then I smiled, then I laughed, then I experienced a little anger and fear, and then I went back to vengeance and irritable laughter. As you know, I don't take kindly to people telling me what to do. After briefly discussing the matter with my lawyer, and a gaggle of other lawyers who regularly patronize DoubleShot (my DoubleShot, not the can at the gas station), I don't think Starbucks has a leg to stand on. Doubleshot is a generic industry term for two shots of espresso. They have no exclusive rights to it. But they will try to scare me and lawyer me out of business if we give them the opportunity.
So today, as a legal clarification, I would like everyone to know that we are not Starbuck's Doubleshot. If we tricked you into coming in here, thinking you could get a can of Starbuck's DoubleShot here, please let me know. And if you thought that $2 Tuesday was a sale on Starbuck's Doubleshot, I vehemently apologize for the confusion and ask you to please not come in here anymore because stupid people annoy me.
On the other hand, if you are brilliant enough to seek out a pound of fresh-roasted DoubleShot coffee, you will be rewarded today. Come in anytime today for $2 Tuesday, and receive a $2 discount on every pound of oh-so-tasty-coffee you purchase.
We don't have any cans of Starbuck's Doubleshot here, but we do have the freshest coffee on the planet!
Please tell as many people as you can about this outrageous Starbucks chicanery. We figure that the more publicity and public indignation we stir up, the better chance we will have at standing up against this evil corporate empire.
There is also a podcast. or on iTunes (search for "AA Cafe" in the music store).


Dan Savage's new
website makes me smile. I mean really... what ARE we waiting for? Viva la revolution!

Billboard for a Viagra-like pill gets the
point across. via
towleroad and
How Advertising Spoiled Me
Loves You Bitches!

Much love to two women taking a stand.
First, you all know I loves me some Pink, but more for her attitude that her actual music. The video for "Stupid Girls", the first single from her soon-to-be released album
I'm Not Dead, had me laughing out loud. As copies of the new album are being reviewed we get news of lyrics from a song entitled "Dear Mr. President" which features the Indigo Girls. Kickass! It's scathing:
"how do you sleep while the rest of us cry / how do you dream when a mother has no chance to say good-bye / how do you walk with your head held high / can you even look me in the eye and tell me why""how can you say no child is left behind / we're not dumb and we're not blind / they're all sitting in your cells / while you pave the road to hell""what kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away / and what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay / i can only imagine what the first lady has to say / you've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine" [Via Queerty]>]
More Pink including two mp3s @
But wait! This bitch wins the prize.After a law banning all abortions, even in cases or rape and incest, was signed into law in South Dakota -- yes that's in the U.S. not Kyrsyzstan -- Cecilia Fire Thunder, president of the Oglala Sioux tribe, decided to take matters into her own hands to protect women's rights. She says she'll open a Planned Parenthood clinic on her property. She told the
Native American Times:
"I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no jurisdiction." [Via DailyKos]
Queerty notes Cecilia is living up to her name. Expect Oglala Sioux sovereignty to be revoked any day now.
Yeah, but what's the RPI?

How does a major global corporation celebrate their 30th birthday. Well, if you're Apple you give yourself a birthday gift of global proportions. The geekosphere is abuzz about what is believed to be the first ad visible from outer space, which could be officially revealed in conjunction with the unveiling of the touchscreen video iPod folks have been salivating over for weeks. [
Source] [Via
Check it out for yourself at
Ze Frank is thinking so you don't have too.
It’s amazing how many times Ford has blurted out an indignant “My wife!” or “My family!” in a film, and then proceeded to body-tackle someone.
ad freak
Malcontent has has the season prmiere of South Park... If you missed it.
Cup of coffee turned into art.
Its so funny it hurts
ketchup and on the same note
Comedy Festivalvia
"Army of One ... When the shit hits the fan, your on your own."

Now all those dick pics can be well lit. Phlash is a new external camera flash that will attach to most any phone and provide illumination 12 times brighter than a standard camera phone flash.
Just $19.99 at Via
Queerty, via
Jason asked me to post my pics from Friday. You can comment on them as well. Just click on the title "My St. Pattys Pics".
thought of the day
It seems, here lately, that all I do is work and sleep ... and some times both at the same time.
New Morrissey and More

Stream Morrissey's new album
Ringleader of the Tormentors. With songs like "You Have Killed Me" and "Life is a Pigsty" it doesn't seem the Pope of Mope has cheered up much, but then why would he. Awesome album! You can also see the vid for "You Have Killed Me" on the MySpace site.
Stream the new YeahYeahYeahs album
Show Your Bones.
new CDs from The Sounds, Royksopp, The Editors and many more at AOL Music.
Try some Uffie
"Pop the Glock"Download a new track from
Dresden Dolls.
For those of you keeping up with the KFed madness; he's released a new
"song." Please let this be an elaborate hoax.
video of Flaming Lips and more from SXSW.
what that sound? Oh that is just your freedom
Police arrested hotel bar patrons over fears they might drink and drive.
The full story at
Franz Ferdinand Frontman Shot
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND—Lead singer and guitarist for pop band Franz Ferdinand, Alexander Kapranos, is in critical condition today after being shot by a man identified as the bassist for rock group Gavrilo Princip. "We ask fans to cooperate with Interpol to find the assailant, and call upon British Sea Power, Snow Patrol, and The Postal Service for help," drummer Paul Thompson told music magazine NME Monday. "The suspect had links to The Decemberists and The Libertines, and we are following up on all leads." It is unclear whether the shooting was linked to The Polyphonic Spree's invasion of Belgium earlier this week.
Gotta love
The Onion.
Did you know it was World Water Day... thought not.

In another effort (Spanish effort here) to call attention to World Water Day, Duval Guillaume, working for Green Belgium, has created a campaign which, today, will affix stickers to the drains of bathroom sinks in Mexican and Belgian cinemas, pubs, restaurants, universities, transit stations and anywhere else there's a sink. The message say, "It takes you one second to get drinking water. He has to walk 20 miles."

Calling attention to World Water Day, Intermon Oxfam placed king size straws in the the manholes of Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza with the message "would you drink from this water? Thousand of people haven't got other choice." The work was done by CP Proximity Live Spain. See more images here.
Why are there no U.S.-based efforts for this cause? Do we even know it's World Water Day today?
Two new "The World Todays"
one and
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- Seven gay rights activists were arrested Tuesday on misdemeanor trespassing charges when they stepped onto the campus of Regent University, a private Christian graduate school founded by evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson.
And WWORU do???
Update: ORU had the Protesters Arrested. I guess we know WWORU do?
KOTV has the story.
Ze Frank
You know I love me some
Powerloafing - The World's Smallest Sitcom
Check out this Sitcom
w/ Cubicle Carl
Timeline for Disaster
Think Progress has put together a very thorough timeline of the Iraq War. I haven't read it all, but it's interesting to see the whole sorry series of events layed out this way. It actually kinda makes me sick to my stomach. Why, no, how are these people still in power?
AMERICAblogDear Dubya,
You've fucked us. You've already shot your load. Any illusion of romance is clearly over. Now it's customary that you pull out!
The Country
Promo Site for Winterfresh
cool breath power Check out all three spots... my fav is third one.
Gay Superhero "The Midnighter" To Get His Own Book

One of the comic industry's few gay superheroes, whose similarities to the Caped Crusader cause some to label him the "gay Batman",
is to get his own series at DC or Marvel.Writer Garth Ennis: "I always thought Batman was the gay Batman, but there you go. I think the Midnighter is very much his own man; his sexuality is just one part of that. Never mind the fact that he doesn’t kill people, would Batman do the things we’ve seen the Midnighter do? Batman fights for the status quo, the Midnighter fights to make the world better. Simple as that...His opening monologue touches on his sexuality, but not in the way people might expect. His sexuality is not a complex issue: he likes fucking men. He likes fucking one man in particular - but that doesn’t mean he wants to be around the guy 24/7, hence the solo book. He has no more questions about himself in that regard, so why should we? As for any controversy this may bring, well, if Brokeback Mountain proved anything, it’s this: gay characters piss off all the right people."
Ennis describes the character as a "killing machine" but one that uses his power for good: "Midnighter has a sense of fairness that leads him to fight for a better world, but his tactics are direct, brutal and merciless."
Pulled from
Direct Mail
Anyone out there know anyone that specializes in direct mail copywriting? I may have a project...
What Have You Done For Me Lately?
Leaders from the radical Christian extremist fringe, held a
press conference in DC today to warn Republicans they'd better start working harder to advance their theocratic agenda.
It's going to be interesting, and potentially delicious, to watch this play out. The vast majority of Americans - even conservatives - have no interest in the radical agenda these folks are advancing. Yet the Republican party has allied themselves so strongly to evangelicals they fear they can't win re-election in 06 (and 08) without their support. But with the approval ratings of Bush and the GOP led Congress reaching new lows almost daily, neither can they win without the support of moderate (read non-brainwashed) Republicans - many of whom are currently dissatisfied enough to vote for Democrats - and Independents.
The typical playbook would have Lott, Frist and the rest of the wingnut puppets making lots of speaches and promises, but not really doing anything. I don't think that's going to work this time; they've allowed the Fundies to claim too much power. The GOP has been given a very fine line to walk.
An even more interesting question is what, if anything, will Democrats do. It doesn't seem like Democratic congressional leaders could find a unified message if someone gift wrapped it for them, but now is when the party should unite behind a sweeping campaign to send the GOP packing in November.
What's that old saying? Make hay while the sun shines...
On My "To Read" List
I Am Not Myself These Days is Josh Kilmer-Purcell's outrageously intimate memoir of a young man living a double life in the heady days and nights of mid-'90s New York City. As we follow Kilmer-Purcell through alcohol-fueled nights and a love affair with Jack, a crack-addicted male escort, he offers up an alternative universe where normal is "a Normal Rockwell painting that, if you leaned in close, would discover is made up entirely of misfits."
By day, Josh drudges off to a Soho-based advertising firm where he creates ad campaigns for corporate clients. At night, he dons live goldfish to complete the look of Aqua, a 7-foot-tall award-winning drag queen who trolls gay clubs in search of her next drink/one night stand. In between, he spends his time trying to build a stable, loving relationship with someone whose beeping pager is a constant reminder of the pair's almost inevitable fate. Yet even as Josh's escapades get increasingly absurd, Kilmer-Purcell is always there to remind us that the story we're reading is real, and that fundamental human emotions and desires are essentially universal. In the end, everyone just wants to be loved and to fit in somewhere. And while the lesson may seem hokey at times, Kilmer-Purcell's sharp wit rescues the memoir from becoming an exaggerated sob story.
Death & Taxes

A visual look at where your tax dollars go.
deviant art
42 Below - Celebrity
42 Below looks at Celebrity.
Well Put
I couldn't have said it better myself.
"Senator, when you took your oath of office, you placed your hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution. You didn't place your hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible." -
Jamie Raskin, testifying Wednesday, March 1, 2006 before the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee in response to a question from Republican Senator Nancy Jacobs about whether marriage discrimination against gay people is required by "God's Law."
It seems many Republicans have trouble with this distinction, and not just in regard to gay marriage.
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- Seven gay rights activists were arrested Tuesday on misdemeanor trespassing charges when they stepped onto the campus of Regent University, a private Christian graduate school founded by evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson.
And WWORU do???
Update: ORU had the Protesters Arrested. I guess we know WWORU do?
KOTV has the story.
The Big One

You probably know tomorrow is the Ides of March - the day when Julius Caesar should have just stayed in bed. The day has had a negative association ever since - at least in the Western world. In Japan, March 15 is the day of the
Hounen Matsuri Festival in the city of Komaki. The 2000-year-old springtime festival is meant to bring a bountiful harvest and luck and prosperity all year long. Festivities include lots of sake, phallus rubbing and the parade of the giant, 1000 lb. wooden penis. Sounds like a gay old time! via
Oh La La.
Chef Quits South Park

Isaac Hayes has left the television show that rescued him from bit part, b-movie obscurity because he is offended by
South Park's depiction of religion. No, Hayes hasn't been in a coma for the past ten years rendering him unconscious of the premise of
South Park. The show just hadn't gotten around to poking fun at his wingnut cult before the Nov. episode "Trapped in the Closet," which took aim at Scientology and a character with a strong resemblance to Tom Cruise.
And proving why I still love
South Park after all these years, series co-creator, Matt Stone calls a spade a spade, "In 10 years and over 150 episodes of South Park, Isaac never had a problem with the show making fun of Christians, Muslims, Mormons and Jews. He got a sudden case of religious sensitivity when it was his religion featured on the show. To bring the civil-rights struggle into this is just a non sequitur. Of course, we will release Isaac from his contract and we wish him well."
New York Daily News
Schroger's Lexicon

Word: Mouse Elbow
Definition: The build up of dead skin, on the palm of the hand, due to working with a mouse for long periods of time.
Used in a Sentence: Rick could see Bob worked with computers because of Bob's large Mouse Elbow.
The Cleaning Hunk

Wow! I've never even heard of
Xtra-Pine, but this campaign has made me a HUGE fan. I'll never buy any other product. And this is so much better than that creepy Bounty guy.
Towleroad via
Equality Ride Rolls Into Tulsa

Peter, here's your chance!
Equality Ride is a group of Christian gay, lesbian, bisexual and trandsgendered college students who are taking a bus tour of colleges and universities that ban the admission of GLBT students. They seek to open a dialogue about faith based discrimination and to call attention to the plight of students at these institutions who literally spend their academic careers living in fear. Not suprisingly, two of the schools on their route are in OK: ORU and OBU.
The riders were arrested on Friday when they tried to enter Jerry Falwell's Liberty University and our favorite bigot, Pat Robertson, is threatening the same action when they visit his Regent University today. Thus far, ORU is following suit by refusing to allow the riders on campus. Come on guys, what are you afraid of? All they want to do is talk! And they promise not to bring up the fact that the vast majority of these schools are completely unaccredited.
From the Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights e-newsletter:
The Soulforce Equality Ride is rolling into Tulsa and Oral Roberts University. The Equality Ride is touring the country, stopping at institutions that ban GLBT students from enrolling. Planned Oklahoma stops are Oral Roberts University and Oklahoma Baptist University. Ride organizers hope to come onto the ORU campus to open a dialogue with administrators and students. As of yet, ORU officials have not opened a dialogue and have stated the 30 to 35 Equality Riders will not be allowed on the ORU campus. Continued in comments...
Vernon Robinson's sick commercial

This is isn't a joke or a parody commercial. It's just insane. Robinson is running for Congress in North Carolina and he uses the Twilight Zone theme to attack gays, judges, African Americans and just about anything or anyone else you can think of.
crooks and liars
What? It's just a mouse on a piece of paper.

Why? What do you see?
Talladega Nights

I still hate Will Ferrell but
this looks funny.
Cards for Jail Birds

Cards for those who are incarcerated and for the families to have to send to them.
Prison Expression Cards

I feel like a junky needing a fix.
Sorry for not posting more... My boss is leaving for two weeks, so things are a little crazy.
Dog Whisperer
Cesar Millan is going on
tour!!!July 1, 2006
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
$85 per ticket
If you missed the Colbert Report last week. You can catch it on
Attacking Agendas[
Spore - The Game
Gamelay Video of the "Spore". Looks like a lot of fun.
30min video.
ze frank]
... and the cookie goes too ...
Eleni’s bakery in New York is once again
whipping up batches of Oscar cookies for the discerning and well-funded party-thrower. The treats come in Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Picture, although not Best Director, because who wants Steven Spielberg’s face on a dessert item? They go for about $60 a tin.
ad freak]
92º ... Damn That Is HOT!!
I'm sweat'n balls ... and my inner squirrel is sweat'n nuts.
Touch Your Inner Squirrel

What kind of squirrel are you? Take the "scientific"
test to find your inner squirrel's name. Post them in comments.