The Art of Vandals

This guys
work is amazing. His work on the
Segregation Wall in Palestine wonderful.
The time of getting fame for your name on its own is over. Artwork that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Any fame is a by-product of making something that means something. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit.
Broke Mac Mountain

So you know I love my mac ... but is it
the love that dare not speak it's name. Check out this
Spoof [
mighty mcpilgrim]
A moment of gravity:
Now that it is final, I am profoundly saddened by the Alito appointment. I am also sickened by the Democrats' utter failure to mount even a modest opposition to his confirmation - sorry Kerry, Kennedy et al but your eleventh hour antics do not count as a serious effort. Today has not been a good day and it's bound to get even worse with the State of the Union address later tonight.
In the back of my mind, I keep thinking (hoping) we may be coming to some sort of tipping point. I don’t really have words for what that may be, but I think Gore Vidal may be describing this event in his own, annual state of the union address. If nothing else, he certainly sums up the true state of the union. Here’s a paragraph:
This is an unpatriotic government. This is a government that deals openly in illegalities, whether it is attacking a country which has done us no harm, two countries -- Iraq and Afghanistan -- because we now believe, not in declaring war through Congress as the Constitution requires, but through the President. ‘Well, I think there are some terrorists over there, and I think we got to bomb them, huh? We'll bomb them.’ Now, we’ve had idiots as presidents before. He's not unique. But he's certainly the most active idiot that we have ever had.
Gore Vidal is a national treasure and wise beyond reckoning. The part about Tiberius is brilliant. [via]
Oscar Countdown

The Razzies are one of my favorite awards, but I would seriously be remiss if I didn't say something about the
Oscars, AKA the Gay Super Bowl. This year Oscar will be gayer than ever. Just in case you were in a cave this morning
Brokeback Mountain dominated with eight nominations,
Capote grabbed five and
Transamerica came in with two. I don't really care who wins - practically every nominee in every category is deserving - but it should be one of the most interesting Oscar presentations in years.
Complete list.
These guys beat me to the punch, but when I heard Dolly Parton was nominated for her song “Travelin’ Thru” from Transamerica, I thought a) I can’t wait to see her perform at the awards and b) I can’t wait to
see what she wears!
And yes, I know some of you will be SO glad when we quit talking about
Brokeback Mountain. Give it time...
forget the Oscars
Check out the
Razzies , they offer the worst of the worst.
The Award for Worst Actor is going to be a rough... both Tom Crusie and Will Ferrell are up for the award. I think Will Ferrell is more deserving of this award, but I bet that Crazy Crusie gets it.
Mourning Morning

Coretta Scott King 1927-2006 [
Also, my condolences to the United States of America - you had a pretty good run. Samuel Alito has been confirmed to SCOTUS. [
Update: He's been sworn in. Nice! [via]
Fallen Soldiers

Portrait of the prez made with the images of US soldiers who have died in Iraq. (from
WOW Report)
Oh, Yeah!

Bring it, bitches! My dog's cooler!
K D taking a nap

I promised myself that I would not post pictures of K D ... but this was just cute.

We got a link on
The Malcontent ... which rocks!! (I about wet myself when I saw it.)
Red Carpet SAG

Some pictures from the Screen Actors Guild red carpet, just because.
Row1 and 2: Kyra Sedgewick with husband Kevin Bacon; Sandra Oh; Megan Mullally; Catherine Keener; Jamie Lee Curtis; Mary Louise Parker; Rachel Griffiths (sporting some amazing boobage); Patricia Clarkson, because they are all awesome amazing actresses and they're really cool.
Row 3: Alfre Woodard, because she looks like she's ready to break a 40 on the curb and cut a bitch; Dakota Fanning, because she will eat your brains; Sandra Bullock, because she is wearing a lampshade and channeling Barbarella; Nicollette Sheridan, because she is dating MICHAEL BOLTON (eww!).
Row 4:Heath Ledger, because this isn't the greatest picture of him but I'd still do him; Jake Gyllenhaal, because of those big doe eyes; Ian Sommerhalder, because I want to spread him on a biscuit.
Row 5: Jake Gyllenhaal, because I am obsessed; Kristin Chenoweth, because she's from Broken Arrow and she's so damned perky; Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon, because I want to be a homewrecker.
Winners tomorrow. And look for Oscar nominations on Tuesday.
Update: film category winners posted in comments.
The Week in Crazy

I have the best intentions of making "The Week in Crazy" a regular feature on Whiskey Wednesday, but, whew, the last couple weeks... Anyway, I once again have not had time for a compilation - unfortunately not because there isn't plenty o' crazy, unbelievable shit going on in Jesusland. I think this report takes the cake though, so perhaps it'll hold you til next week. It's crazy, but also scary and very sad.
President Bush's $15 billion effort to fight AIDS has handed out nearly
one-quarter of its grants to religious groups, and officials are aggressively
pursuing new church partners that often emphasize disease prevention through
abstinence and fidelity over condom use. [source]
Furthermore, it appears that many of these groups know NOTHING about HIV/AIDS education and prevention. In some cases, especially in Africa, they may be doing more harm than good.
There can be a place for religious organizations in such efforts and no doubt there are some terrific "faith-based" organizations that are doing a great job at AIDS prevention. However, if you think the lion's share of this 25% (and growing) isn't going to ideologs – if you don't see that the federal government is using this effort to directly fund Christian proselytizing – then it's time for you to pull your head out of your ass.
LOTR The Musical

Have to say, I did not see this coming.
full story

Show me yours and I'll show you mine. My score that is...
First gay cowboy movie? We reckon not

Friend of Whiskey Wednesday, Thomas Conner, discovers the secret (or not so secret) history of gay westerns. Well, done! Here's an excerpt:
"RED RIVER" (1948)The couple: Matthew "Matt" Garth (Montgomery Clift) and Cherry Valance (John Ireland)
The scene: Matt and Cherry pause on the prairie to admire each other's pistols, stroking each other's barrels and murmuring, "Nice, awful nice." Cherry grins at Matt (Clift was gay in real life) and adds, "You know, there are only two things more beautiful than a good gun. A Swiss watch or a woman from anywhere. You ever had a good ..." -- their eyes meet -- "... Swiss watch?"
The subtext: "Red River" is the fountainhead of homos on the range. The Village People were subtler.
First gay cowboy movie? We reckon not [
RELATED: Brokeback boys (and girls) on Oprah. Malcontent has the video. Looks like a really good interview.
Oprah: "I've never been in this position before"
I would hate to get taken to the woodshed by Oprah.
Author James Frey confessed to Oprah Winfrey on Thursday that he made up details about every character in his memoir "A Million Little Pieces" and the talk show host apologized to her viewers, saying she felt "duped."
In 19 years in television "I've never been in this position before," said Winfrey, whose praise for Frey's book in September helped make it the top-selling book on nonfiction lists in the United States last year. "I really feel duped," Winfrey told Frey on her television show. She said he had betrayed millions of viewers.
Oprah went on to say she regretted making a call to defend Frey on Larry King Live during an appearance by the author on Jan. 11. When Oprah asked Frey if accusations made by the
Smoking Gun were correct, he replied, "I think most of what they wrote was pretty accurate," adding they did "a good job." [
As I said before, we'd probably be surprised to learn exactly how much fiction makes its way into most memoirs. And in fact memoir, unlike biography is not meant to be taken as hard fact.
The New York Post reports that
Possible Side Effects, the latest book by
Running With Scissors author
Augusten Burroughs will now carry a disclaimer about its factual content.
Some have suggested this is overkill, and while I agree to an extent, Frey did up the ante by going on talk shows and trying to style himself into some sort of self-help guru.
Tomorrow, the cast and crew of Brokeback Mountain will be on Oprah. I wonder if any confessions will be made during this episode.
I'm as Moist as a Snack Cake Down There...

Strangers With Candy movie, which was originally scheduled to release last October, is now set to release in June according to Fans of the
Comedy Central series will be pleased to know the original cast including Amy Sedaris, Paul Dinello, Stephen Colbert and Deborah Rush are all on board and the film boasts an incredible lineup of cameos: Matthew Broderick, Sarah Jessica Parker, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sir Ian Holm, Allison Janney, Todd Oldham and Justin Theroux.

Bonus: Download quotes from the TV series
"I got a better idea, Lezzy. When the lunch bell rings, why don't you eat me?"
Pink is the New... Awesome Bitch

I know this will come as a shock to many of you, but I'm not a huge hip hop fan. However, I do love Pink. Mostly because she has so much attitude and her videos are a hoot. The video for her latest single "Stupid Girls" is no exception - pure genious. She takes dead aim both at the superficial nature of the "role models" young girls are given to look up to today and the effect our quest for physical perfection has on the psyche. Serious stuff, but it's still freakin' hilarious. She totally nails Mary-Kate Olsen, Lindsey Lohan, Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton among other pop tarts du jour. You can watch at
Just Jared.

Jared is also feeding my
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers addiction with a new set of photos from
Spin. Seems JRM has been cast as a young Henry VIII in an upcoming movie. But when will
Match Point open in T-Town...
Playing Hardball with MSNBC

It's on. AMERICAblog and more than 20 other liberal blogs with a combined daily readership of 1 million plus have launched a little campaign. This could be fun.
NEW Scissor Sisters album
The SS's new album will be coming out late spring. Elton John is collaborating on one of the tracks. (I am wet)
You Can't Keep a God Warrior Down

Our favorite anti-dark-sided God Warrior is milking her fifteen minutes for everything it's worth. Visit Marguerite's
website to see what she's been up to, and you can even purchase her new single "Why Can't You Be Sweet." Yes, I said new single... girlfriend's a rapper.
Attention Chris Matthews
You are in for a world of trouble.
John Aravosis is on your ass - and not in a good way.
In recent days Chris Matthews has enjoyed comparing Democrats to Osama Bin Laden. This is obviously an organized effort, since other whackjobs such as Pat Robertson began making similar assertions around the same time.
AMERICAblog is not amused.
On the one hand, this is just more of the Rovian tactic of working the lemmings into a nationalistic frenzy. You know, the whole "you're either with us or with the terrorist" bullshit. I think John is ready to say enough is enough; we cannot continue to let these bozos throw around completely false and outrageous claims with being held accountable. People will call us humorless and nasty, but I think he's absolutely right.
So, why is it noteworthy that some liberal blogger is pissed off at Chris Matthews? Last year, when Microsoft, bowing to pressure from Christian fundamentalist extremists, abruptly withdrew its support of pro-gay civil rights legislation in Washington, AMERICAblog fired the following warning shot:
Dear Microsoft, you messed with the wrong faggots. Two weeks later Microsoft was in full
mea culpa mode. Late last year, he unleashed the same strategy on Ford after they caved to religious extremists. Again, Ford quickly reversed it's decision. This month, when John discovered
you can buy just about anyone's cell phone records on the internet and that cell phone providers including Sprint, Verizon and Cingular weren't doing anything to stop it, he took action. First, he bought his own records and encouraged his readers to do the same. Next step, complain loudly to aforementioned cell providers. Record and publicize their denials. Then, buy the records of someone well known - he bought former presidential candidate and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO,
Wes Clark's phone records for $89.95. Two weeks later, the U.S. Senate is introducing bipartisan legislation to end trafficking in personal phone records(see Congress can move quickly when it wants to) . The boy moves quickly and when he picks a fight, he almost always wins.
Chris Matthews might want to talk to
Dr. Laura about what he has to look forward to.
Introducing the Brokeback Mountain Happy Meal
Check out this "ad" for the new
Brokeback Happy Meal. The outtakes are hilarious.
You gotta love YouTube. [
Terminator 2 Recut
Very Addicting
Transformers in Pre-Production
The Live-action "Transformers" movie has been set to open nationwide on 7-4-07.
Full Story
Happy Monday
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Not much in the way of a post but I am still digging the hell out of, Thanks Thom
Opening Pandora's Box

Get your minds out of the gutter!
Pandora, a great new way to waist time at work. Pandora allows you to enter the name of an artist or song that you like and then generates a radio station of other artists or songs you might like based on a fairly sophisticated set of criteria. For instance: Portishead has electronica influences, a subtle use of vocal harmony, mild rhythmic syncopation, demanding instrumental part writing and extensive vamping. The resulting station includes Everything But The Girl, Bjork, Lords of Acid, Thievery Corp. and Garbage among others. Naturally, you can also buy these songs/albums through links to Amazon or iTunes.
I gave Pandora a pretty thorough test drive and must say it rarely disappoints. Of course, it had me at hello. I started out with Tori Amos and was given a station that includes Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, Joni Mitchell, Patti Smith and the pièce de résistance: Stevie Nicks "Edge of Seventeen". Pandora is definately a big mo. Also, the database is huge and includes lots of obscure stuff - a great way to find new music.
Thar She Blows

A Northern bottlenose
whale is currently taking a tour of London, swimming up the Thames past Parliament and Big Ben to the delight of onlookers. It's probably not such good news for the whale though. While whales and other marine mammals do sometimes wander up rivers only to eventually find their way back out to sea, such behavior often indicates they are sick, injured or very disoriented.
However, with about 80,000 lines of
cocaine ending up in the Thames every day, the poor thing is probably coked to the gills - er, blowhole - and doesn't realise he's headed for Scotland. Insert Kate Moss joke here. [
Lil' Looming Disaster Pillow & Other Baby Bush Products

Sure, we all want what's best for our kids, but let's face the truth: not every child can grow up to be Einstein! At
The Baby Bush Toy Company, we offer an exciting range of
products for the resoundingly average child.
you know I love the Ze
Ze Frank gave a
talk at the MAX Conference.
(select "day one" and then "ze frank" fromt he menus.)
Sorry I am not posting as much... but it has been busy at work. Will try and do more posting at home.

News just in from the Pentagon:
In response to the threat of bird flu, President Bush has decided to bomb the Canary Islands.
The Spirit of Oklahoma

Thanks to
Andy for posting
this amazingly sad story of a real
Brokeback Mountain-type story that has played out here in Oklahoma. It's one of the most horrible and disgusting things I've heard in a while, but I hope you will all read it. This is exactly why denying marriage equality to all citizens is so obviously against the U.S. Constitution.
To think, I sat in a packed theater in Tulsa (about 30 minutes and a world away from Bristow) earlier this month to watch
Brokeback Mountain with an incredibly diverse group of people (
Variety even noted what a strong regional market Tulsa was for the film). It was an uplifting experience, but stories like this quickly snap me back to the reality that outside my narrow parameters lays a big hateful world.
This mostly boils down to a culture of fundamentalist Christian repression and profound ignorance and self-righteousness. And the degree of control which we are currently seeing this faction exercise on our national political landscape has been at work in Oklahoma for decades (in both parties).
I'm not "from" here and can objectively say this isn't the spirit of Oklahoma. The state was founded by misfits and people who didn't follow society's rules - people who followed the model of live and let live. These are the kind of folks you would never call "pro-gay," but they would stand up for their neighbor no matter what. Let's hope that spirit will survive and outlive hatred wearing the mask of righteousness.
Update: More on this story from the Gayly Oklahoman. I hope there is a special brand of hell for people like Mr. Meadow's cousins.
Golden Globes
And the Golden Globe for hottest DILF on the red carpet goes to:

What did everyone think of the awards?
How to Fold a T-Shirt
Hell To The No!

Thank god, Whitney is back on the drugs. Things have been kinda dull since Courtney Love got back on the wagon.