Wednesday, May 31, 2006

sorry, slow blog day

Friday, May 26, 2006

Comdoms are for everyday


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Me and My Llama

I was totally and inappropriately attacked by Chatchy the llama - who suffers from poor depth perception - this morning. I'll need lots of therapy...

Masturbating Kangaroo

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

We're Calling Him Remus

I can't keep it a secret any longer. Jake Gyllenhaal is my babydaddy. We've decided to return blonde girl, unless one of you want her. I can get you a good deal, really!

Gale Harold - Vanished

Gale Harold from Queer As Folk is going to be staring in the Vanished premire will air Fall 2006 on FOX. I hope got some acting classes.

(going to miss seeing his ass.)

Courtney Watch

More encouraging signs...

Hillbilly Hotness

Caption it!

Gnarls Barkley-Crazy

This is an awesome video!

Quick Note

We have been hit by spammers, so I added the word verification to the comments. Please dont let this stop you from making a comment.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Try Before You Buy

Check out this collection of tv spots. Proof that sex and a little naughtiness sells around the world... 2 (a sketch not an ad), 3, 5 and 6 are great.

Words Cannot Describe...

Ya'll know I loves me some Dolly - and I had forgotten she had her own show, which should totally be put back on the air or at least rerun on Lifetime. The referee outfit complete with matching acrylic nails is flawless! [Queerty]

A Prairie Home Companion

I've loved THIS Prairie Home Companion for years so I'm very excited to see THIS one too. Robert Altman directs an ensemble cast to die for: Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin, Woody Harrelson and John C. Reilly (as the cowboys Dusty and Lefty), Kevin Kline (as Guy Noir, Private Eye) and Tommy Lee Jones. Oh, and Lindsay Lohan's in it too. Opens June 9. See ya there!

An Incovenient Truth

Thanks for posting the trailer on the electric car film, Jason. Looks like something we should all see.

Also, check out this brief history of the electric car: it was invented in the 1830's and NYC's first fleet of taxis were 100% electric! The discovery of easily extractable oil (in Oklahoma no less!) is probably the only reason we're not all driving electric cars today. And there is no question that Big Oil is doing everything in it's power to squelch alternative fuels and more efficient gasoline engines - despite very loud lip service to the contrary.

Another film to check out this summer is Al Gore's global warming film An Inconvenient Truth. It's already got GWB and Fox News on the offensive (umm... I meant DEFENSIVE; they are offensive), so it must have hit a nerve. It opens here on June 23 at AMC 20, and I hope you'll all see it with me.Finally, check out this adaptation of Google Maps that shows the effect of rising sea levels.

UPDATE: Predictably, Big Oil is now unleashing their attack dogs on Gore: Learning about global warming from a film by Al Gore is like learning about Nazi Germany from a film by Joseph Goebbels.

Good Question

Thom here is a job for you... NSFW QueerClick is looking for a blog writer.

it's OK

Monday, May 22, 2006

Holy Shit!

WIRED publishes internal AT&T documents showing company sold out customers to the NSA
In 2003 AT&T built "secret rooms" hidden deep in the bowels of its central offices in various cities, housing computer gear for a government spy operation which taps into the company's popular WorldNet service and the entire internet. These installations enable the government to look at every individual message on the internet and analyze exactly what people are doing. Documents showing the hardwire installation in San Francisco suggest that there are similar locations being installed in numerous other cities.

This is HUGE. And just the tip of the iceberg for sure. [AMERICAblog again]

SNL Again!

I'm REALLY gonna have to start watching Saturday Night Live again. You have to watch this TV Funhouse if you haven't seen it. [AMERICAblog]

Superman Returns!

Here's the latest trailer for Superman Returns. I've been skeptical of all the hype, but this really looks great! And I'm not just talking about Brandon Routh's superbulge! Effects and art direction look amazing and Kevin Spacey devours the scenery as Lex Luther - can't wait!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Today in WTF... Pimpfants. Apparently parents have been longing for clothing that allows their children to be both hip and comfortable.

From the Pimpfants website:
Pimpfants is more than a name, it's a movement! Our clothing bridges the generation gap between parents and kids, allowing babies and tots everywhere the opportunity to hit the playground with fresh gear and street cred.
Pimpfants uses only the highest quality products, so your shorties can represent in style and comfort.
If you want puppy dogs, ducks and frogs, you'll have to visit the a zoo. But if you are looking for children's clothing that defines a generation, look to Pimpfants!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Ode To A Golden Cervid

Oh, Gilded Moose... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Well, I'm not actually gonna count- it's Friday for chrissakes - but you crack my shit up! Sure, I love Trent and Miu - Perez makes my ass twitch - but Jason is my pointless celebrity gossip soulmate. With posts like this and this. I just cain't quit you! He also wrote this great story that gives me childhood flashbacks and he too has a Gyllenhaal obsession. It's kismet.

You're Gonna Get Caught With Your Pants Down

I wouldn't mind if his skivies had a few holes...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

New New US Map

I'm liking this map. People really are waking up (way faster than the MSM or Washington can keep up), but, unfortunately, I fear Jesusland is still holding firm. [AMERICAblog]

wingnut hottness

What Pat learned at his prayer retreat:

"If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms."

And in other news, the Pope is Catholic.

yeah yeah I ripped that off of towleroad. It was just to funny.

speaking of Vida


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

fucking funny ad

Hillbilly Hotness

Thom ... I see your noodling photo and I raise you a "pair of queen noodlers".

image from Okie Noodling

shoes - my fetish

Check out these shoes for the summer.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Another Cute Moment


It is on like Donkey Kong!!!

You know where ... at 6:30pm.

Since You Been Gone

I'll take this as an encouraging sign that she's fallen off the wagon and full on crazy Courtney can't be far away. Come back. We miss you...

Moment of Cute

Hillbilly Hotness

Today a reader submitted Hillbilly Hotness: I gather this guy is the self proclaimed guru of noodling - the Catfish Whisperer, if you will. [Hat tip to Steve]

Monday, May 15, 2006

Gore On SNL

Oh, sweet baby Jesus! Have you guys seen Al Gore's intro for this past week's Saturday Night Live? Brazilliant! He is SO running again...

Transformed By Fabulous Secret Powers

Good news. The complete He-Man collection has been remastered and is now available on DVD. Slate takes a look back at classic bit of 80s fluff, and, you guessed it: He-Man is very, very gay.

Prince Adam, He-Man's alter ego, is a ripped Nordic pageboy with blinding teeth and sharply waxed eyebrows who spends lazy afternoons pampering his timid pet cat; he wears lavender stretch pants, furry purple Ugg boots, and a sleeveless pink blouse that clings like saran wrap to his pecs. To become He-Man, Adam harnesses what he calls "fabulous secret powers": His clothes fall off, his voice drops a full octave, his skin turns from vanilla to nut brown, his giant sword starts gushing energy, and he adopts a name so absurdly masculine it's redundant. Next, he typically runs around seizing space-wands with glowing knobs and fabulously straddling giant rockets. He hangs out with people called Fisto and Ram Man, and they all exchange wink-wink nudge-nudge dialogue: "I'd like to hear more about this hooded seed-man of yours!"

The links are great. [Queerty]

Hindsight is 2020

Good but not as good as the "throw up" one.

Love Life

Check out these spots from the Swiss AIDS prevention campaign Love Life. More here, including a TV spot. Not as good as the French, but still way ahead of us...

UPDATE: Check out the other social awareness ads on this blog. Some good stuff.

Apple Commercial Spoof - Porn

One of three spoofs of the latest Apple commercials.
Porn, focuses on exposé and the built-in iSight web-cam as being one of the benefits of a Mac.


Who saw John's ad for Cox Cummunications, last night on Desperate Housewives?

Friday, May 12, 2006


I've begun fundraising for a new rodeo monkey exhibit at the zoo. Hot, no?


Check out this 7 minute preview of X-Men III: The Last Stand. Parallels? Social commentary? I don't know what you're talking about...

Thursday, May 11, 2006


We had the media opening for our new butterfly exhibit today. It's a pretty neat exhibit, but the weather has been so cold lately the butterflies aren't very active and are slow to emerge from their chrysalises. So in true media whore fashion, we had 300 "flighted" butterflies flown in for the opening. Who knew the little buggers would arrive all folded up and individually packaged in little wax paper envelopes?!?!? Anyway, we had a great time setting them free, so I thought I would share a few pics. The last one is Julie A. with a Julia Longwing.

Hillbilly Hotness

Do ya'll think I'm pretty?

You know you wanna hit it.


Outdoor advertising for the upcoming World Cup in Germany.

I think I just became a futbol fan...

[Oh la la Paris]

Doggie Daycare

See if you can spot K.D.

There are 3 other cameras but this is the best.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

have a whack today

Monday, May 08, 2006

Anti-Bush Protesters at OSU

Oklahoma State University professors Doug Hershey, left, and Stan Fox participate in a protest outside of Boone Pickens Stadium after walking out in protest as President Bush began his commencement address in Stillwater, Okla. Saturday, May 6, 2006. Student members of Oklahoma State University's Young Democrats organized the protest. (AP Photo/Brandi Simons)

You know things have gotten bad for Bush when there are this many people protesting his appearance in one of the few states where he still enjoys some degree of popular support. More pics at DemoOkie. And interesting comments in the forum about how T. Boone Pickens may have been instrumental in orchestrating the appearance. But then since the name of the school has been changed to Boone State University, I guess he gets what he wants...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

No Further Comment Necessary

Well, OK, just one: Woo! Pig! Sooey! Go Razorbacks!


Friday, May 05, 2006

like I need a reason to go to Chicago

If you’re passing through terminal 3 at Chicago O’Hare Airport (ORD), take a look the Accenture Interactive Network screen, a 10x7-foot monster that reminds us of Tom Cruise’s computer symphony in Minority Report. The touchscreen tech lets you move windows around with your hands, giving you access to the latest weather, news, and video clips.

Accenture plans to expand the idea to other venues beyond airports, too, delivering info, entertainment, and of course, advertising. No word on whether the displays will be shouting out personalized ads at you, pleading with you to try on some khakis at the Gap.


Like I need a reason to go to Chicago but this is cool.

Stop The Madness

OMG, Check out this blast from the past! I had totally forgotten about this.

So how many known drug abusers do you spot in the video - besides Whitney?
[Cobain In A Coma]


I call it a purssy...


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hillbilly Hotness

He'd rather be noodling...

Companies pulling sodas out of schools

And in one fluid motion, Bill Clinton does more to improve the lives of Americans while out of office than W. has done during his entire administration to date. Put this man in charge of the UN now.

Suprise at the White House Easter event

Attack of the Giant Butt Plugs

Speaking of guerilla marketing... My friend Steve forwarded an email to me from our friend Kathy in London. She just said this was outside her office this morning, but, of course, as a Londoner she couldn't be bothered to find out what the bloody thing was. So, I had to ask the BBC.

Casino Royale Update

OK, so evidently the trailer wasn't leaked and it is avail en anglais.

Guerilla Marketing?

Part of Apple's campaign to convert PC users... yeah, that's it PC users. I think I've already bought what he's selling, but I'd say this approach definitely has legs... and much more. [Malcontent]

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Casino Royale

This is supposedly a leaked trailer from the upcoming James Bond prequel Casino Royale. It’s in French, mais of course. I’m kind of a 007 junkie, even though the franchise hasn’t exactly improved with age. From this clip, I must say Daniel Craig isn’t as horrid as I had feared, but he’s no Pierce Brosnan and certainly no Sean Connery. Let’s hope the movie doesn’t blow goats. [IDontLikeYouInThatWay]

The Oozinator

One really has to wonder what they were thinking when they made this!!

Wanna Play A Game?

Take the Quiz: Sex Toy or Children's Toy; test your knowledge! Post your score - I expect Melissa and Julie to ace this.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hillbilly Hotness

It's prom season ya'll.

Colbert Irks Bush

I hope Stephen Colbert packs his sunscreen; I hear the sun is brutal in Guantanamo. According to this short piece in USA Today, Bush and his crew were none too pleased with Colbert's eviscerating roast of the president at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Wah, fucking, wah. The truth hurts. Get over it! [AMERICAblog]

If you haven't seen it, Crooks and Liars has video.


Philips/Norelco is marketing its new Bodygroom razor by focusing on what all men want: a bigger dick. Yes, following what the porn industry has known for years, the company is promoting the razor's ability to add an "optical inch" to one's manhood by making the trimming of that area simple, painless and rewarding size-wise. Forget five bladed razors. Gillette's beat that one to death. Now, it's all about removing body hair from hard to reach places and catering to men's obsession with size. Hey, woman want cleavage enhancing bras. Men ought to have a similar weapon at their disposal as well.

John should buy stock.

thanks adrants

I'm as moist as a snack cake down there...

Check out this post about the origins of Strangers With Candy. I'd never heard this story before.

is this better?

Mac vs. PC

The new ads for Macs are very cute...

Strangers With Candy Trailer

Monday, May 01, 2006


Amanda Congdon from RocketBoom talks about Ze Frank. Not sure how I feel about her yet........

Hillbilly Hotness

Also to cheer up Jason...

looking for a job

If anyone hears of a graphic design job please let me know ... I have been downsized.