I think ya'll would get a kick out of this podcast. They play nothing but cover songs.
Coverville's websiteiTunes 4.9 has Podcast now ... if you have any problems finding it in iTunes please let me know and I will help you.
(thanks Daniel for the tip.)
Me in Front of Things...
Here are some photos from
I had so much fun ... and did not want to come back.
Whiskey Wednesday
Sorry guy... I totally forgot today is Wednesday. We will be at 1974, 6:ish.
The Best Coffee
The best coffee in Chicago ... was
Dunkin Donuts! Better than Starbucks hands down.
There was noughing better than getting up and walking* to the local Dunkins and getting a large coffee w/ cream & suger.
Do we have a Dunkin Donuts in Tulsa?
* Yes I said walk. :-)
Leonard Nimory Photography
well ... ah ... maybe ... oh hell just take a look for yourself.
Fight Mannequinism
I think I am in the beginning stages of this affliction. Thank god for Whiskey Wednesday Blog. Otherwise I wouldn't know about movies, therapy pigs or Michael Jackson.
fight mannequinism
Just Another Day with the American Taliban
Ummm... fascism much?
Take a look at this statement from regarding the new regulations governing "explicit" photos on the internet(s). sure to read the new definitions for "sexually explicit" photos per John Asscroft. Example: An image of a hand inside pants is prohibited as it implies masturbation.
One, this is laughable. Two, this is some scary Nazi shit!
No wonder the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals found this unconstitutional.
The Justice Dept. regulations listed on this link only includes content that might be found on a gay site, there are additional prohibitions which would apply more to hetero content.
And folks, this is just the beginning.
This cloud just might have a silver lining though. Just think how many Billy Bob Bubba Rednecks out there are gonna be pissed when the feds start tinkering with their porn and internet(s). And what are Baptist preachers supposed to do now???
I really hope this backfires on Bushie like a bad enima.
UPDATE: A strong legal response has been, ummm, mounted. The DOJ (which, I know, is headed by Senor Gonzales... but this is Asscroft's baby) is backing down and will not enforce the regulations until Sept. In the meantime a coalition of internet companies and free speech advocates are seeking an injunction.
Michael Jackson
Well I imagine, like most, you were all aware of the verdict for the international popstar Michael Jackson. Did you know they made a short film about the trial. Well now you do. Check out this link and let me know what you think. Trust me, its good.
Atom Films
Landover Baptist Church

Here's the website I mentioned to some of you last week:
The parody is so dead-on it's scary. For some reason, Jason's last post made me think of this...
Oh Canada, Oh Canada...
What the Hell is going on?
I found this
Article on the
Drudge Report
Therapy Pig
click on
Therapy Pig
BTW: Birthday
I am having a Birthday Party this Wednesday (@ You Know The Place) at 6:ish.
Not so much a party as a get together.
Oh and god help the person or persons that sings happy birthday!
Homeland Security Logo
This is to damn funny!
Red Alert(Thanks Randy for reminding me)
David Sedaris
David Sedaris's June paperback book tour for
Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim.
Sunday, June 19, 2005 - Tulsa, OK.
Barnes & Noble, 5231 East 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74135 2PM
Thats right folks MID TOWN!!!!
Help! my cubical has been attacked by interior designers from another planet.
Word It > Prank
Word It of the month is Prank.
I am so happy it is WEDNESDAY!! I am looking forward to seeing you all.
One Step Closer
This is one step closer to having a iPhone...
HOT DAMN!!(D, I am sure you are not happy about them using Safari)
Sex Offender Registration
I must be sick, but this is too funny.
I have heard of this list before but never checked it out until now.
There is a woman 3 blocks away from me!!!!Tulsa PoliceI was going to put some photos up but I feel that would be in bad taste... ("What?! Schroger has taste?" ya say).
Girl, You So Fugly...
Do you guys know
this site?
It's been in my fav list forever, but I hadn't visited in a while.

If you've a really strong stomach, go ahead and click on the Courtney Love collection. And don't miss Lil Kim.
Open Season
This looks fun...
storm vs. billboard
The storm last night rip our billboard to pieces.
Controversy At The Tulsa Zoo
Here is what
KOTV 6 had to say about the "controversy".
I also found this
tread about the controversy at the
Tulsa Zoo.
More crap from Dan "bible belt" Hicks
gay daygay day 2Evolution ExhibitEvolution Exhibit 2Science Textbook disclaimerScience Textbook disclaimer 2
dave devries
Dave Devries creates paintings from children's drawings - weirdly distorted but oddly accurate, wonderful glimpses into the imagination.
An interview between Dave and one of the children whose drawings he used provides an amusing look at the process of creating these works of art. - Pulled from
sthig's blogNot all the links work correctly... but very cool.
Start, Art (scroll down for this one) and
This just sings to me.
I know why those shots are called Afterburn ... lets just say that I am glad I don't share an office. ;-D
Hope ya'll had a great time ... I know I did.
Pop the Music
AKA Someone PLEASE Pop This Bitch Up Side Da HeadFor those worried there wouldn't be a Saccharine Summer Song of 2005 - and I know you were all white-knuckled - looks like this could be a contender. Complete with requisite dance moves.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Triim. The bitch everyone will want to strangle come September.
Gotta love the hotties in the video though...,,3222924-e3BsYXllciBxdWFsaXR5IFVOVl9JRH0gezIwMiAyMDEgMX0=,00.html#
WW June 8th
We are going to be at 1974 at around 6:00pm. If the weather is nice we will be on the patio.
C'ya there.
Star Wars Episode III Parody
Well, if you even know the littlest bit about Star Wars, this is worth watching and laughing.
Star Wars Parody
Steve Jobs (God) is going to be speaking at
Apple's Worldwide developer Conference. Rumor has him introducting
iPhone There will be a Video Stream of the Keynote. (when I get the link I will post it.)
I am getting a Geek-On.
Let Off Some Steam
Vent is the place where you can tell that ex-girlfriend exactly why it was that you broke off the relationship. That in reality it wasn't you causing the the problems, but her. It's a place where you can tell your husband what it is that really annoys you. A place where you can tell your boss precisely why you have no respect for them.
Best of all? It's anonymous - and your target will never be aware of how you feel.
Hairy Club for Men
So I tried
Nair for Men last night.
I hated it... I have hairy spots all over my back. I look like I have the
The hardest part was getting my roommate to rub Nair on your back. He bitched the whole time. (From the sound of it, you would have thought I asked him to wax my butt.)
This looks so cool.
WW June 8th
Opening the discussion about where we are going next Wednesday
Tina, at 1974, said they are going to have great music... (not sure if that meant band)
The floor is open so lets talk about it. (hint hint)
A gallery of walls with stuff written on them
site Flipp'n Rocks.
Word It of the Month
"Speakup" has a
"word it" of the month.
June word is
"Prank" They will be publishing a book with all the entrys for the year. Should be a laugh.
Frank Niemeir's Photography List
When I first saw this list i was unimpressed. but when I explored the
site farther I saw how complete it truly is.
Thomas (not ThomG)
If you have a sec. please welcome Thomas.
Thomas is a writer(editor?) for the
Chicago Sun Times. He also has his own
Blog where you will find links to some of his writing... My favorite being Family Guy & Battlestar.