Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Pop the Music

AKA Someone PLEASE Pop This Bitch Up Side Da Head

For those worried there wouldn't be a Saccharine Summer Song of 2005 - and I know you were all white-knuckled - looks like this could be a contender. Complete with requisite dance moves.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Triim. The bitch everyone will want to strangle come September.

Gotta love the hotties in the video though...,,3222924-e3BsYXllciBxdWFsaXR5IFVOVl9JRH0gezIwMiAyMDEgMX0=,00.html#


At 6/08/2005 1:17 PM, Blogger Jared said...

Those lyrics to that song are absolutely brilliant. Now that is a song writer. Who would have thought of a line like "pop the music" and then repeat it continuously through out a song. It is like the devil teamed with the care bears to produce an album that would destroy the underdeveloped minds of our youth. Simultaneously causing teen hysteria. Brilliant.
Hey VH1, we have a new song to put on your top 40 worst pop songs. Pop the Music should be in the top 5.

At 6/10/2005 11:26 AM, Blogger Shebang said...

Wow, I WOULD like to pop that bitch upside the head. Bringing the 80s back is just bad. I just LUV her hand jive move. Good god.


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