Thursday, February 02, 2006

Whiskey Wednesday at Arnie's

10 things better than getting berated by your drunk boss at Arnie's on Whiskey Wednesday.

1. Licking hot lava
2. Thinking you went home with Charlize Theron only to waking up next to a drag queen
3. Stepping on a rusty nail
4. Being forced against your will to dress up like a KKK member on Martin Luther King Day
5. Listing to the Banana song on repeat all night.
6. Being dumb
7. Eating glass
8. Running naked through rose bushes
9. Being stuck on an elevator with Gilbert Gottfried
10. Spending a day with George Bush Jr.


At 2/02/2006 2:47 PM, Blogger Schroger said...

That does not sound good, what happened?


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