Friday, November 18, 2005

Today in Crazy

"I will break a forty on 'da curb and cut a bitch that bothers me on 'da phone - 'fo real. Now give me all yo money!"

Pat Robertson thinks god might send another hurrikin to destroy the Pennsylvania town where voters ousted theocratic members of their school board. The Christian extremists had sought to mandate the teaching of creation (aka intelligent design) in the district’s science classes. "I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city," Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club." Seattle Post-Intelligencer

In related news Rep. Thad Balkman, R-Norman says during the 2006 legislative session he will introduce a bill to require the teaching of intelligent design along with evolution in Oklahoma science classes. Balkman told the Associated Press: "I think most Oklahomans would agree that students are best served if they are exposed to all viewpoints, including the intelligent design theory, along with the theory of evolution. That would make for a more rounded educational experience.” "I'm a supporter of intelligent design to the extent that I believe that it is a theory on equal par with the theory of evolution." Balkman said.

A woman in northern Virginia has recently robbed four banks. She prefers Wachovia and she’ll cut a bitch that tries to interrupt her cell phone conversation while she’s holding a teller at gunpoint. Washington Post

UPDATE: Cell Phone Bandit Arrested

If Bill O’Reilly were President – heaven forbid and clutch the pearls – he’d give al Qaeda the go ahead to blow up San Francisco. Voters in San Fran OK’d a policy that discourages schools from allowing military recruiters on campus. CBS 5 San Francisco


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