The Week in Crazy
In related news a group of batshit-crazy-fundamentalist-Christian investors want to build a theme park on Israel's Sea of Galilee. One of the key supporters in the proposed $60 million Holy Land Christian Center is, you guessed it, Pat Robertson. Can I tell you how thrilled I am at having these people demolish one of the most archaeologically and culturally relevant zones of the entire world to build a glorified Eureka Springs Passion Play! [Source]
The boys at Concerned Women for America think Barbie is out to make little Johnny a tranny. They were honestly concerned about this enough to unleash a barrage of press releases and brandish the requisite boycott threat. It was a snafu on Mattel's website, you fucking morons! [Source]
The new NBC series the Book of Daniel will not air in Terre Haute, Indiana and Little Rock, Arkansas after local stations bowed to pressure organized by the American Family Association and local Christian leaders. The Knoxville, Tennessee affiliate seems to be leaning in the same direction. Of course these folks would be offended by this show, it actually sounds like intelligent, thought provoking television. If we allow that to catch on, they'll have a hard time selling crazy to the toothless masses.
"crazy to the toothless masses" lol
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